
Feel free to open or download any of the few things I published. Feedback is highly appreciated. You can find me at I plan to include all works on Academia and ResearchGate for download. For the moment, the works are being hosted at


Master thesis at the University of Luxembourg

Title: Algorithmic Discrimination by Inference – Legal Remedies under the GDPR

Supervisor: Professor Mark Cole


The emergence of sophisticated machine-learning systems led to new challenges that traverse the fields of artificial intelligence and data protection, requiring equally new legal responses. As algorithms may either be a force to foment or to curtail discrimination, discussing their improvement is of the utmost importance to the society. This work addresses the applicability of legal remedies under the General Data Protection Regulation to detect and deter inference-based algorithmic discrimination. Firstly, we explore the contours of the basic concepts, and underlying epistemic and normative concerns, of algorithms and discrimination. Secondly, we discuss under what circumstances should inferred data be considered “personal data” under the General Data Protection Regulation. In the sequence, we analyze the overall availability of GDPR remedies to address inferred personal data, as well as the application of each one of the “candidate” GDPR rights, i. e., the right of access, rectification, erasure, object, data portability, and to oppose automated decision-making, to address inferred personal data. Finally, we discuss the combination of GDPR legal remedies with the current framework of anti-discrimination law in the European level, presenting brief remarks as how to improve protection against inference-based discrimination. Although absent a general provision on anti-discrimination in the GDPR, the combination of different GDPR legal remedies may assist the data subject to detect and challenge discrimination on the individual level. The possibility and effectiveness of collective anti-discrimination action under the GDPR remains unclear and, without collective action, discriminatory (either facially or apparently neutral) algorithms are bound to continue discriminating against new data subjects. Due to GDPR lackluster anti-discrimination framework, the combination of GDPR remedies with the current acquis of European anti-discrimination Law may stand out as a more suitable option for the data subject to collectively challenge inference-based discrimination on protected grounds. Finally, we propose the implementation of a right not to be discriminated under the GDPR, in the same line of anti-discrimination EU Law, in order to guarantee procedural and substantive advantages for the data subject who is a victim of discrimination, including, inter alia, shifting the burden of proof, eligible representation, and imposing the obligation to take affirmative actions.

Master thesis at the University of São Paulo (2020)

Title: Reputational Sanctions and Contract Performance

Supervisor: Professor José Augusto Fontoura Costa


This work adresses the topic of reputation sanctions in business communities through a tri-tiered perspective – State, contract and relation – in order to determine the main impacts, effects, relations and developments of reputational sanctions in commercial contracts. With the application of the theoretical basis of network theory, we devised a simple theoretical model of transmition of information concerning reputation in business communities that allows for a better understanding of the dynamics underlying business agentes decisions to cooperate or cheat on their commercial partners. Under this theoretical framework, we assessed the main issues relating to reputational sanctions, especially that they signal characteristics of the agent to the community, that they represent a crowd out of the formal sanctioning system and they foster the creation of private legal systems, their natural relation of complementarity with formal sanctions and their function as contractual governance mechanisms. This literature review provides us the possibility for a cognitive hermeneutical opening under which we may consider the development of new categories, functions and casual relationships based on a dynamic model for transmission of information concerning commercial reputation.

Specialization thesis at Fundação Getulio Vargas (2017)

Title: Contractual Governance Mechanisms in Infrastructure Alliance Contracts and the Possibility of its Usage on Brazilian Infrastructure EPC Contracts

Supervisor: Professor Thiago do Amaral Santos


This work aims to study the contractual governance mechanisms of the Alliance contract for infrastructure projects and the possibility of adaptation of such mechanisms to the EPC Contract model. Initially, we advance a comprehensive overview of infrastructure contracts, in particular the Alliance Contract and EPC, with special focus on their risk sharing mechanisms. We follow with a study of the functions exercised by the contractual governance mechanisms in the Alliance Contract and outline the main contractual instruments of governance present in this contract modality. After brief considerations of the allocative inefficiencies of the EPC model, specifically with regard to risk sharing, misalignment of interested and adversarial culture, we proceed to discuss the possibilities of adaptation of contractual governance mechanisms of the Alliance to the ECP. Finally, we proceed to verify whether the contractual governance mechanisms of the Alliance may find practical application to the EPC model. We conclude that such Alliance contractual governance mechanisms may be possibly adapted to the EPC, in order to reduce, at least on a prima facie analysis, its allocative inefficiencies, without modifying its basic contractual model or superseding its social acceptance.



COSTA, J. A. F. ; SOLA, F.; GARCIA, M. A. F. O (Novo) Marco Civil da Telemedicina: A Construção de um Ambiente Regulatório Saudável para as Novas Práticas Telemédicas, Revista de Direito Sanitário, v. 22,
2022. Forthcoming.

COSTA, J. A. F. ; SOLA, F. ; GARCIA, M. A. F. . Telemedicina e uberização da saúde: médicos operários ou consumidores?. Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário, v. 9, p. 72-88, 2020. Available at: <>.

COSTA, J. A. F. ; GARCIA, M. A. F Inteligência artificial e criatividade (e o conceito de autor) – “Arte algorítmica”? Reflexões sobre a proteção de direito do autor, inteligência artificial e obras feitas por máquinas, Revista de Direito Intelectual, nº 1, p. 163-180, 2022. Available at: <>

COSTA, J. A. F. ; SOLA, F. ; GARCIA, M. A. F. . Contratação no ambiente digital: mudanças profundas ou superficiais?. Revista de Direito e as Novas Tecnologias, v. 4, p. 1-19, 2019.

GARCIA, M. A. F.; COSTA, J. A. F. . Contraditório e aplicação de ofício do Direito estrangeiro no NCPC. Revista de Processo, v. 286, p. 159-184, 2018. Available at: <>

GARCIA, M. A. F.. A necessidade de revelar o Terceiro Financiador na Arbitragem. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação Empresarial, v. 6, p. 133-164, 2017.

5. GARCIA, M. A. F.; OLIVEIRA, J. P. R. . To bit or not to bit? ? Vires in numeris. Propostas de regulação do uso de criptomoedas em transações comerciais. Revista Fórum de Direito Financeiro e Económico – RFDFE, v. 8, p. 219-245, 2016. Available at: <>

GARCIA, M. A. F.. O devido processo legal arbitral à luz da Teoria dos Sistemas. Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação Empresarial, v. 4, p. 275-301, 2016.

GARCIA, M. A. F.. A INDETERMINAÇÃO DO DIREITO INTERNACIONAL OU O MITO DE SÍSIFO DA COMUNIDADE DE NAÇÕES. Revista Eletrônica de Direito Internacional, v. 12, p. 254-280, 2013.

GARCIA, M. A. F.; BUOSI, A. P. A.; XAVIER JUNIOR, S. G. ; MONTEIRO NETO, J. A. ; OLIVEIRA, L. F. C. ; SOUZA, H. J. A. ; KITAYAMA, M. S. ; GROSSI, V. C. D. ; SILVA, T. C. ; BULHOES, L. ; CAMPOS, D. P. ; FERNANDES, E. R. ; CANTANHEDE, C. ; GASPAR, W. B. ; OLIVA, A. C. ; BARILI, F. ; BARROS, R. M. ; PERTILE, F. B. ; REQUIAO, M. ; FANTINI, L. M. C. ; CRUZ, M. A. R. C. E. ; CAMARGO, L. H. K. . Os dados e o vírus: pandemia, proteção de dados e democracia. In: Bruno Ricardo Bioni; Rafael Zanatta; Mariana Marques Rielli; Gabriela Machado Vergilli; Iasmine Favaro. (Org.). SAÚDE E PROTEÇÃO DE DADOS? FUNDAMENTOS DA VIGILÂNCIA EPIDEMIOLÓGICA SOCIAL. 1ed.São Paulo: Data Privacy Brasil, 2020, v. 1, p. 113-120. Available at: <>

MERGULHAO, D. R. S. ; MATTHES, F. L. ; RODRIGUES, J. V. O. ; MARTINS, J. E. F. A. ; GARCIA, M. A. F. . A revisão dos contratos empresariais – apontamentos à luz da jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça. In: Paula Forgioni; Arthur Barrionuevo Filho; José Augusto Fontoura Costa; Danilo Rafael da Silva Mergulhão. (Org.). Fundamentos Econômicos do Direito da Empresa. 1ed.Curitiba: Juruá, 2019, v. 1, p. 287-305. Available at: <>

GARCIA, M. A. F.. Análise da litigância no sistema multilateral de controvérsias da OMC à luz da Teoria dos
Jogos. In: Wagner Menezes. (Org.). Direito Internacional em Expansão. 1ed.Belo Horizonte: Arraes, 2018, v. 14, p. 162-176. Available at: <—vol–15-885598/p>

GARCIA, M. A. F.; DIAS, L. F. A. R. . Os Direitos das mulheres no Direito Internacional: análise das recomendações do Comitê sobre a Eliminação de Discriminação contra as Mulheres e dos Avanços Brasileiros. In: Wagner Menezes. (Org.). Direito Internacional em Expansão. 1ed.Belo Horizonte: Arraes, 2018, v. 13, p. 66-83. Available at: <>

PUCCI, A. N. ; GARCIA, M. A. F. . A solução de controvérsias nos ACFI (Acordos de Cooperação e Facilitação de Investimentos). In: Flávia Holanda. (Org.). Métodos Extrajudiciais de Resolução de Conflitos Empresariais. 1ed. São Paulo: IOB Sage, 2017, v. 1, p. 55-77. Available at: <>


Case Reports

GARCIA, M. A. F.. Laboratorios Northia Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Industrial, Financiera, Inmobiliaria y Agropecuaria v Norte SA Imp Exp, Advisory opinion, Advisory Opinion 1/2007, ITL 129 (MERCOSUR 2007), 3rd April 2007, Permanent Review Court. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. Available at: <>


GARCIA, M. A. F.. Dispute Between Uruguay and Brazil Concerning the Dispute Over Discriminatory and Restrictive Measures to the Commerce of Tobacco and Tobacco Products, Uruguay v Brazil, Ad Hoc Arbitral Tribunal Award, Award (08/2005), ITL 126 (MERCOSUR 2005), 5th August 2005, MERCOSUR Ad Hoc Arbitral Tribunal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.


Translations published as books

*Disclaimer: During the publication of these works, I was a non-controlling shareholder (33,3%) of the publisher (Litterae). Translations were English to Portuguese mostly based on judicial documents and personal letters.

MORE, T.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (trans.) O julgamento de Thomas More, Litterae, 2021. Available at: <>

DAVIS, N. Z.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (trans.) O Retorno de Martin Guerre, Litterae, 2022


Edited works

*Disclaimer: During the publication of these works, I was a non-controlling shareholder (33,3%) of the publisher (Litterae).

ESQUILO, E.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) Prometeu Acorrentado, Litterae, 2022. Available at: <>

DICKENS, C.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. Um Cântico de Natal, Litterae, 2022.

AZEVEDO, A.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) A Condessa Vésper, Litterae, 2021. Available
at: <>

MORE, T.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) A Utopia, Litterae, 2021. Available at: <>

DEFOE, D.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) As Confissões de Moll Flandres, Litterae, 2021.

SWIFT, J.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) As Viagens de Gulliver, Litterae, 2021. Available at:

VOLTAIRE, F. A.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) Cândido, ou O Otimismo, Litterae, 2021. Available
at: <>

ESQUILO, E.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) Oresteia, Litterae, 2021. Available at: <>

ASSIS, M.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F. (eds.) Quincas Borba, Litterae,
2021. Available at: <>

BARBOSA, R.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F (eds.) Seleção de Escritos – Rui Barbosa, Litterae, 2021. Available at: <> 

REIS, M. F.; REIS, M. V. V. B.; GARCIA, M. A. F (eds.). Úrsula, Litterae, 2021. Available at: <>